How to Clear YouTube History? Updated 2020

Created in 2005, YouTube is one of the most used web services globally, since millions and millions of people usually frequent this online platform to share and view videos.

Nowadays, YouTube is integrated into the family of services offered by the Google company, and it has become really very popular because it offers an endless amount of audiovisual content of all kinds of topics, since, on YouTube, it is its users who upload and share this material.

The success of YouTube has generated a new actor globally, the so-called YouTubers, who are actually the celebrities of the world today and generate a true philosophy regarding the site.

YouTube offers a wide range of functionalities for its users, the most interesting and widely used, of course being video search. However, each time we perform a search on the site, all the information regarding said search is stored in our profile, as well as all the videos that we have viewed, which is called the YouTube history.

YouTube history

As we mentioned, every time we view a video on YouTube, it is stored in our profile, which can be really useful when we want to see the same video again, since, through YouTube history, we can access everything we have watched on the site.

In addition to this, YouTube’s history allows the robots behind this website to find better and more precise recommendations based on what it analyzes that we usually consume on the site.

However, we always have the possibility of eliminating everything stored in the YouTube history of our user account, and the truth is that the procedure is really simple. Among the service offers’ functionalities, it allows us to delete individual elements or the complete history.

Where is the YouTube history?

The first thing we must know to delete the YouTube history of our user account is where the YouTube history is.

To find YouTube history, we must follow the steps detailed below.

Step 1: We go to the site and log in with our user account.

Step 2: Then click on the three-line icon located in the upper left corner of the screen.

Step 3: In the menu that is displayed, within the library section, we will find the item “History,” and to access the YouTube history, click on it.

A new screen will be displayed in which we will find all the videos that we have viewed on the site, that is, the YouTube history of our user account.

How to clear YouTube history?

Clearing YouTube history is possible, and the method to do it is really very simple. It should be noted that as we mentioned above, we can choose to delete individual items, or the entire history.

We perform the steps above to access our YouTube history, and once there, we perform the following steps.

Step 1: We will see that on the YouTube history screen, at the top, there is a button that says, “Delete all playback history,” and if we click on it, our YouTube history will be completely clean.

Step 2: To delete a single element of the videos that appear in our YouTube history, we must move the mouse over the video, and we will see that a cross will be displayed next to its title and description. If we want to delete it, we just have to click on that cross.

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